Take a peek into my studio

I have been wanting to share some pictures of my studio for a long time but I kept telling myself I would do it when my desk would be better organized, when that frame would be up the wall, when the ceiling light had been changed : in short, when everything would be perfect.

I have been fighting this perfectionist-control-freak-narcissist side of me for some time now so today is the time I let you take a peek into my jewelry studio even if it is not perfect. I am actually very happy about how it looks in the pictures : looking at them, it gave me some distance that allowed me to really enjoy my workspace.

atelier de bijoux montréal

I am a very lucky girl because I get to use 2 rooms in our beautiful Mile-end apartment. I used to have only one and the other one was supposed to be a painting studio (but was mainly used as a hockey gear drying room). But because I have been having a lot more customers coming over to my studio then I thought I would and because I have not been painting a lot (and also because my fiancé’s hockey gear could live in the laundry room), well we decided I would organize a little shop in that room. All that to say that I now have the blue studio and the shopping room (where I can do my yoga and still paint if I wish to) :

The Blue room, where I create and make all the jewelry and accessories you can see on my website :

atelier bijoux uniques montreal

The jewelry desk with my very comfortable no so pretty chair and my gorgeous yellow lamp I love

atelier de bijoux montréal

The office space where I never sit but keep all things “serious” like the production binder with all the technical specifications sheets

handmade jewelry designer in montreal

The drawer units where I keep all the beads, pearls, stones, leather cords, chains, millinery flowers,…

bijoux originaux boutique montréal

And right next to the blue room there is the big room :

jewelry shop in montreal


Don’t you love this gorgeous antique wooden chest ?

jewelry shop mile-end

On the board, a drawing by my grandmother Francine Hosten, a picture of a cook I took in India, an ink drawing I made and a small picture of my brother and I when we were kids

jewelry designer montreal

I am planning on putting a curtain to hide all that storage space. On the left, a painting I have been working on.

It is in that big room that I am also planning on having jewelry workshops. I will let you know when the dates and prices are set.

So this is it for the tour. You now know where I work (but honestly, right now I am in my living room, sitting on my couch, writing this post on my laptop). Montrealers, you are always welcome to come see the jewelry in person if you wish to 🙂